Wouldn’t it be wonderful to know exactly what our little ones are thinking sometimes – they come out with such funny things? The little glimpses into the world of a child’s imagination can be so precious at times, allowing us to see the world with fresh eyes. Listening to my big girl telling her daddy or grandparents all about her day and seeing the joy and animation on her face is one of my favourite things – I just love the way she chatters away.
From the mouths of babes is a weekly linky which invites you to share a post, old or new, about something your children have said. Those adorable mispronounced words, the times they repeat something they perhaps shouldn’t or say exactly what they think, learning a new word for the first time – whatever it is, I’d love to hear about it!
A big thank you to everyone who linked up last week. I loved Tiddler Tales’ post about her little one heading to the front door, sleeping bag in tow, and cheerfully announcing “Bye bye Mummy!” I also loved the adorable moment shared by Mummy Tries with her 3 year old’s announcement that she wasn’t a baby, she was a “little tiny big girl!”
Jessica was a little unwell with a raised temperature at the beginning of last week. She had been a little grumpy and not like her usual happy self and had curled up on the sofa.
“Mummy, I not well. I have hot day,”
“You have hot day?”
“Yes. I have hot head. I need Calpol.”
Bless her. I quite like this description of having a fever!
Jessica is also starting to get a little more aware now about her body and her various scars. She has a few scars on her chest and tummy from her chest drains and one of these is fairly deep and round. I think it looks a little like an extra belly button but Jessica thought otherwise:
“Look Mummy, I have a booby here!”
She is also starting to ask more questions when it comes to her zip as she knows it is because of her special heart. We’ve had a few questions about whether Sophie has a heart or Mummy has a heart. Daddy apparently though is like Doctor Who and has two hearts!
If you’d like to share your posts about something your children have said (or sung!), then please add the badge code below and link up with me. The linky opens each Monday from 6am and closes on Friday at 11pm so there is plenty of time to link up your posts (old and new posts are welcome!). I will also try and share posts via Twitter – please use the hashtag #ftmob and I’ll do my best to retweet them. I also have a Pinterest board and will be sharing posts here too.
Looking forward to hearing what your little ones have been saying.

Thanks for the mention! This made me chuckle her thinking she’d found another bobbie hehe. Must be good when they can start to tell you why they’re feeling poorly rather than just a guessing game!
It definitely does help when they can start telling you!
Awww it’s so sweet that Jessica can tell you that she is poorly, though obviously not nice that she is poorly!
I hope Jessica is proud of her scars, because she should be! My cousin has a zipper scar and she has always been proud and never shy of it. She was a bit older when she got her scar though.
I hope that Jessica will be proud of her scars too – we are always very positive about them. So glad that your cousin is proud of her zipper scar too.