The Friday Focus – 27/05/16

I feel like I’ve been juggling an awful lot of balls this week – although thankfully I think I’ve managed to keep them all in the air despite quite a few moments when I wasn’t sure I could do so! It’s been another week of solo parenting combined with a big impending deadline for something I’m responsible for at work and an approaching deadline for a group project on my HR course.  I’ve had to do video conference calls with a small child wanting to wave hello and chat to the interesting-looking people on Mummy’s laptop screen and there have been quite a few stressful moments, not helped by having two nights where Jessica refused to go to sleep until way past 10pm at night.

This week's word of the week is "juggling" - my second week of solo parenting has felt very much like a juggling act

But there have also been beautiful moments too and I’ve been trying to focus on those.  For every stressful moment this week, I know there has also been a fun one to counteract it.  I am definitely looking forward to hubby being back next week though!


Things I have loved this week:

  • Jessica writing letters by herself for the first time after drawing a picture of a princess – she decided to write the princess’s name above it. It might not have been a recognisable word but I was very impressed with how neat her letters were!

Jessica writing letters for the first time

  • Being the first ones to arrive at Girls’ Brigade and then seeing the other girls in Explorers arrive – each of them promptly ran up to Jessica to give her a big hug. So lovely to see how much my big girl loves it and how she’s been so accepted and welcomed into the group by the other girls.
  • The three of us all sleeping in until 8.30am on Saturday morning – blissful!
  • Seeing how much the girls love helping distribute the flowers after church.

Sophie helping distribute the flowers after church

  • Watching Sophie do a 54-piece jigsaw all by herself.

Sophie doing a 54 piece jigsaw by herself - not bad for a 2 1/2 year old!

  • Having lots of cuddles and giggles with my gorgeous girlies.

Cuddles and giggles with beautiful Sophie

  • Getting to see the Lego Friends show again at Legoland. What was especially lovely was having our photo taken with them afterwards – they remembered Jessica and Sophie from last year and gave them both big hugs.

Seeing the Lego Friends again at Legoland


The Reading Residence

What Katy Said



36 thoughts on “The Friday Focus – 27/05/16

  1. Ah you are a super mum doing the solo
    Parenting ! A post 10.30 bedtime is a killer but that sat lie in might have made up for it! Hope you got your work sorted and sounds like a lovely week; Jess is doing really well!! Xx #wotw

  2. You’ve done so well! Juggling is definitely the word! Well done to Jessica and hooray for the 8.30am lie-in – I literally dream of the day that will happen! Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

    1. Thank you Jocelyn – hopefully the weekend will be a bit calmer! Thanks for hosting #WotW 🙂

  3. Wow sounds like you have done really well dealing with all that and managing to stay positive! Well done you on getting everything done and enjoying the happy moments!

    1. Thanks Caroline – definitely wasn’t easy to focus on the positives at times but it made so much of a difference when I did! 🙂

    1. Thanks Karen – it certainly has been a tough couple of weeks, thankfully hubby will be home in a couple more days! 🙂

  4. Well done you for juggling everything….It sounds like it has been a stressful week.
    The lovely moments are so lovely though…Lovely photos x

    1. Thanks Kim, it has been very stressful at times but the lovely moments have helped make up for it 🙂

  5. You’re super awesome, Louise, and don’t you forget it!
    Sounds like you’ve managed to stay on top of all that juggling, meeting deadlines and still being able to take time out for the children – it’s not easy parenting solo but it sounds like you’ve managed it.
    I love your gorgeous girlie photos, they just ooze happiness!
    Have a lovely week, take care xx

    1. Thank you so much Tracey – it certainly has been a very challenging week but thankfully we’ve got through it and everything got done somehow! Hope you have a lovely weekend 🙂

  6. Sometimes I think us mums should put ‘Juggling’ on our CV’s , well done to you for keeping all the balls in the air. Focussing on the good moments really does help I hope next week is a little easier for you. #WotW

    1. Juggling definitely needs to be on my CV – although just tasks (I’m still rubbish with actual balls!) I did find it made a huge difference to my stress levels when I shifted my focus to the nice moments rather than dwelling on the stressful ones.

      1. Yes, I do think it is fair to say that your juggling skills are more with tasks than with anything which is actually up in the air.

        Or on the floor.



        1. Lol, one day I might manage it! But then again I’ve been saying that for at least ten years now…!

  7. Thats such a sweet princess and its so lovely to see how kind other children can be, I am so glad Jessica is enjoying Girls Brigade, and wow 54 pieces thats a huge deal for Sophie’s age, have a lovely week Louise xxx

    1. Thanks Sarah. Was very impressed by the jigsaw and so lovely to see Jessica enjoying GB so much 🙂

  8. Hi Louise, I’m so sorry to hear you’ve had a testing week, at least hubby should be home now. Seeing Jessica being accepted for the little girl she is must be a wonderful thing for you to witness. Love Sophie’s expression as she’s focusing on the jigsaw and sorting the flowers…. And your girls are so sweet they are even remembered at LegoLand! Now that is cute.


    1. Thank you Debbie – it has been good to have hubby home again. Seeing Jessica so welcomed made me so happy and I was so chuffed that the Lego Friends remembered my girls 🙂

  9. Awww bless I love the fact the Legoland cast remembered the girls from last year. You’ve done some lovely activities with the girls this week. May you continue having loads of fun together.

    I’m also liking the look of the unit in the background so organised. #happydays

  10. I LOOOVE the Princess drawing – looks like she can do absolutely ANYTHING 🙂 Jo

  11. Louise – you are such a star! Well done for flying solo and juggling so many balls without dropping any! You are a star. The girls are gorgeous. It sounds like a lovely week. Some magical moments captured. Enjoy having hubby home too next week (I now realise I recognise him from the university days too!!) 🙂 x #happydays

    1. Thank you so much Rebecca – I really don’t know how I managed it but we got there. Yes hubby was part of those uni days too – and it’s so lovely to connect with you again via blogging x

  12. I adore that picture Jessica drew. It is such a fab age I think, when they start to make connections with letters and sounds. Clever girlie!! Thank you for sharing in #HappyDaysLinky x

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