Friday Focus 22/09/17 – Getting more organised

I’ve been focusing this week on getting more organised around the house and it’s amazing how much better I feel for it. Keeping on top of the housework and clutter can be a struggle at times. This week though, I’ve joined the #DeclutteringMotherhood Facebook group run by What Katy Said in an attempt to get into a better routine around the house and finally get on top of it all. It’s only been a few days so far, but it’s already made a big difference. My house is looking much cleaner and I’m starting to chip away at the jobs that have built up too.


Organised - this week's word of the week


Hubby’s been away working on an event this week so I’ve been flying solo. It’s easy to get exhausted and overwhelmed when I’m on my own but this week has been fine. That mixture of having a little time to myself again and being more organised has certainly helped the week to go by more smoothly.


Things I have loved this week:

  • Catching up with a group of friends while the girls had fun playing in the garden.


  • A trip to the park on the scooters, especially as Jessica managed to make it there and back home again on the scooter without getting too tired.


Jessica riding her scooter to the park


  • Snuggles on the sofa with my girls.


  • Going on a walk with my girls in the autumn sunshine and collecting conkers.


Sophie holding two conkers


  • Hearing about Jessica’s friend K having a chat with her about her heart operation and reassuring her about it. K is also a heart warrior and I love that Jessica has a friend at school who understands the things she goes through. I also loved the fact that after Jessica had this chat, she then went and made K a heart with “friends” written on it.


The heart that Jessica made for her friend


  • Sophie’s delight at finding Jessica’s French-speaking teddy bear in a box.


The Reading Residence

14 thoughts on “Friday Focus 22/09/17 – Getting more organised

    1. Thanks Anne. The blogmin has slipped a bit this week but I’m still feeling more on top of things at home than I have done for a while!

  1. I can’t function properly without being organised everywhere! Glad you’re managing to feel on top of things, it does make a real difference. I’ve enjoyed lots of sofa snuggles this week too 🙂 Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  2. I always feel better when I am organised. I love the story about Jessica and her friend K, what a beautiful friendship they have x #wotw

    1. Thanks Louisa, I love the fact that she has a friend who understands a lot of what she has to go through x

    1. Lol, thank you Kim. I think flying solo made it a little easier – no hubby to add to the mess! x

  3. I always feel so much better when everything is organised, it’s just the staying on top of it that’s the problem. It sounds like you have had a great week, well done you for being so organised. Those are great conkers the girls have found, my two are desperate for some but the tree near us is not ready yet, the conkers are tiny. Have a great weekend x

    1. I’ve only found one tree near us but it’s a bit out of the way so there always seem to be plenty to collect! Hope you manage to collect some soon 🙂

  4. I’ve been watching Katy’s de-cluttering youtube videos and was inspired myself. I think I may tackle a room each day if I can. We’ve also been collecting conkers too but little one likes to try and chew them if she gets hold of them! #WotW

    1. I need to focus properly on the decluttering at some point but the new routine is certainly starting to chip away at things.

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