A few firsts for Sophie

Whilst Jessica loves drawing, so far Sophie’s only use for crayons has tended to be something to chew on (until Mummy is a spoilsport and takes them away). It was therefore a lovely surprise to see her sitting down at the craft table at one of the toddler groups this week happily holding a crayon in her hand and scribbling away.

A few firsts for Sophie - Little Hearts, Big Love

She tried out a few different colours and spent a good few minutes drawing on the paper before remembering that crayons were quite tasty too! I’m very proud of her first ever drawing – it’s currently ‘framed’ on our artwork wall and will be going in Sophie’s artwork folder later on.

A few firsts for Sophie - Little Hearts, Big Love

We also had another lovely first at toddler group when she discovered the easel and had a go at drawing on it with the chalk.

A few firsts for Sophie - Little Hearts, Big Love

And to add to the week of firsts, Sophie also started singing ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’ this week too. She’s definitely trying to sing the whole verse judging from the pattern of noises although of course most of the words are more like babbling noises but there are a few words here and there that are reasonably clear. I keep trying to capture a video of her singing it but like most toddlers, the minute the camera appears, she instantly stops doing it altogether!

Mini Creations

30 thoughts on “A few firsts for Sophie

  1. It’s great when something like that suddenly clicks isn’t it. Potato prefers to paint and stick than to colour and draw and I love that each child is different like that.

    1. Oh yes, it’s a lovely moment. Painting and sticking is fun too although Sophie has yet to discover those!

  2. Aw, that’s fantastic. Exploring art (rather than eating it) is lovely to watch and Their first creation is always special. She looks very pleased with herself! #MiniCreations

    1. Thank you – yes, one of the many things I love about blogging, such a great way of recording the memories 🙂

  3. These are all great milestones to remember! I love seeing children draw, and as a parent, it feels even prouder, doesn’t it?

  4. Isn’t it lovely when their creative side starts to show? Lovely photos too!

  5. Grace says – Sophie is definitely an artist in the making. Some excellent first drawings here……
    Lucas says – I agree but Sophie, NEVER eat crayons. If you need some tips about yummier foods to snack on, give me a call. I’m an expert in all things yummy…….
    Thanks for linking to #minicreations

    1. Thank you – definitely agree with you Lucas that there are much yummier things to eat than crayons! Lovely to link up again 🙂

    1. Thank you – I did manage to capture it for my ‘from the mouths of babes’ post earlier this week 🙂

  6. A lovely few firsts for your gorgeous girl.
    It’s great that as well as the paper you have the photos and this post, something to look back on.
    It seems like ages ago but I’ve still got T’s and D’s first efforts from nursery 🙂
    Thanks for linking up with #SSAmazingAchievements

    1. Thank you – how lovely that you also have T’s and D’s first efforts too. Lovely to link up to #SSAmazingAchievements.

  7. This is just too cute!! Her little face whilst she is scribbling is adorable! It’s so wonderful capturing these precious moments x

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