An Autumn walk

With the autumn weather looking a little brighter one morning this week, we decided it would be a good opportunity to visit one of the parks near us to go and feed the ducks. We’ve only been to this particular park once before, several months ago and Jessica was quite taken by the numbered signs next to various trees which stated what kind of tree they were. I was quite amazed when the first thing she said on getting out of the car was “find number five tree!” – she clearly remembered where we were despite it only being her second visit.

The first thing we did though was to make sure we fed the ducks. We had some thawed frozen peas ready (having read that bread isn’t the best thing to give to ducks) and Jessica was having a wonderful time throwing it at the ducks. Sophie too enjoyed being able to get out of the buggy and stand on the bridge watching the ducks.

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Once the ducks were fed, we enjoyed having a wander around and collecting up leaves and twigs to take home. There were a few chestnut trees and Jessica was quite fascinated by the prickly cases. She also enjoyed jumping in the leaves and the rustling sound they made underneath her welly boots.

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Linking in with Coombe Mill for Country Kids and Let Kids Be Kids:

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

24 thoughts on “An Autumn walk

  1. Childrens memories are amazing aren’t they?? Very scary though at the same time. We love feeding ducks here too, and it can easily fill a morning . 🙂 Loving your girls smiles.

  2. Thrilled to read that you didn’t throw bread to the duck – although I must admit I did years ago. No matter what there’s just a simple and so lovely joy taking the kids to a park.

    1. Oh yes, it’s lots of fun. I used to throw bread to the ducks as a child too – I don’t think anyone knew any different back then.

  3. What a good idea feeding the ducks peas. I think there’s something magic about feeding the ducks as a kid. The park looks lovely and your girls clearly loved it 🙂

  4. Lovely the way they remembered the park and it does look perfect for a afternoon out. I need to find some of those prickly cases, chestnuts are wonderful roasted on the BBQ at this time of year. Thank you for sharing your park visit on Country Kids.

    1. Thanks Fiona – lovely to link up with #CountryKids each week – I think I must go and get some more chestnuts and cook them 🙂

  5. Oooh, thawed peas sound like a great idea. We don’t like giving the ducks bread either. I love it when your little ones remember the details you never expect them to. Looks like a lovely place for a walk.

    1. Thank you – amazing the memories that little ones have sometimes! We had a lovely walk 🙂

    1. Thank you. I vaguely remembered hearing that bread was bad so did a quick internet search before we went and found out that thawed peas were a good option.

  6. I would never have thought of feeding the ducks frozen peas! Such a brilliant idea, and easy to control if you give them peas one by one 😉

    1. Jessica was mostly quite controlled with the peas – although if you throw them in the water they tend to sink to the bottom which is less good! 🙂

  7. Never thought of feeding them peas before although heard breads not best. What cute photos. Children never tire of parks and ducks 🙂

    1. Thank you – found out about peas online as I remembered hearing that bread wasn’t ideal.

    1. Jumping on leaves is so much fun. I love how being with children gives us as adults the best excuse to do things like jump in puddles and leaves and relive our own childhoods 🙂

    1. Thank you – I found out about peas after looking online having vaguely remembered hearing that bread wasn’t great for ducks.

    1. Thank you – we had a lovely morning out at the park. Lovely to link up with #LetKidsBeKids 🙂

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