#365daysofgratitude is my challenge for 2017 to share one photo a day on Instagram of something I am grateful for. I took part in a similar challenge last year and loved it so am looking forward to continuing with it this year. Here are the things that I’ve been grateful for over the past week:
Day 267 – I am grateful for my big girl’s excitement over losing her first tooth and the prospect of a visit from the tooth fairy.
Day 268 – I am grateful for emergency doctor appointments, Calpol and antibiotics. Jessica got sent home from school at lunchtime as she was very blue and shivering despite their attempts to warm her up. Ear infection diagnosed, Calpol is helping bring her temp down again (and improve her colour!) and she spent most of the afternoon curled up on the sofa under a blanket. Hopefully she’ll be feeling better tomorrow.
Day 269 – I am grateful for some one-to-one time with my big girl while her sister was at preschool. Glad to see her beginning to feel better too. She perked up enough to want to play the piano and asked for “music like Mummy” which seemed a good opportunity for her first piano lesson.
Day 270 – I am grateful for a warm afternoon and time spent watching Sophie have fun playing with sand.
Day 271 – I am grateful for play areas in hospital waiting areas. Jessica and Sophie had fun in this little house while waiting for Jessica’s routine eye check-up.
Day 272 – I am grateful for creativity and imagination. Love this drawing of a ballet class that Jessica did earlier today.
Day 273 – I am grateful for a fabulous day meeting up with other bloggers at #BML17 and learning how to improve my blogging. The highlight of the day though was the wonderful #SketchbookClub area where I enjoyed taking time out to do some drawing and painting.