Papery Peep – May

I blame The Reading Residence for it. A year ago, I don’t think I even knew what washi tape was and now I am no longer able to walk past…

Three Little Pigs themed crafts for toddlers and preschoolers - Little Hearts, Big Love

Three Little Pigs themed crafts

Jessica saw the Three Little Pigs performed at the Duplo Valley puppet show at Legoland on a recent visit. The story seems to have really captured her imagination ever since.…

Paint inside a ziplock page with white marks where a picture has been 'drawn' on

Ziplock bag painting

I love painting with my girls but sometimes I’m just not in the right frame of mind for dealing with the mess that it generates. Ziplock bag painting seemed to…

Papery Peep – April

It’s been all about sharing papery loveliness over on Instagram this month as I’ve been joining in with The Reading Residence’s #30daysofpaper photo challenge for the month – sharing a…

Papery Peep – March

This year I’ve set myself a reading target of one book a month and so far I’m managing to stay on track with this. This month’s #BringBackPaper papery challenge from…

Face painting with felt-tip pens

Tuesday morning toddler group is one of my favourites – time to sit with a cup of tea and a piece of cake, catching up with some mummy friends while…

Jessica's finished paper plate aquarium

Paper Plate Aquarium

Paper plates are a key item in our craft box. They are so useful as a paint palette whenever Jessica is doing painting or as the basis of a craft…

Papery Peep – February

February’s papery challenge for #BringBackPaper over at The Reading Residence was a stationery swap – packaging up some papery goodness and swapping with someone else. I loved my gorgeous bundle…

Jessica making a craft-stick rabbit

Lolly-stick animals

Our latest mini creations project has been making different animals using coloured lolly-sticks, coloured card, foam shapes and googly eyes.     Spending time indoors invariably leads to Jessica wanting…

Jessica holding up a frog mask made from a paper plate

Paper plate crafts

Recent craft sessions in the Little Hearts, Big Love household have mostly been centred around paper plates. We usually have a few painted ones lying around having been used as…